Worshipful Brother Duncan Walsh – 90th Birthday Celebration

The Immediate Past Master of Royal Lancashire Lodge, Worshipful Brother Duncan Walsh, filled the Festive Boardroom at Colne Masonic Hall to capacity to join him in celebrating his 90th birthday. Family and friends, together with Brethren and wives, gathered to enjoy a most convivial evening and to honour a most remarkable character and an excellent Mason. Duncan is well known …

Fun at Fabellos

In a departure from the usual “ Ladies Night”, Bro Malcolm Pate, Worshipful Master, arranged a formal dinner at Fabellos Restaurant, Foulridge, on 6th October 2024. The upper floor of the building provided a perfect venue for a delicious Italian meal, with multiple choices for each course. The surroundings were extremely pleasant, while the format of the evening allowed for …

Installation Success

On Thursday, 21st December 2023, the WM Br Duncan Walsh and his officers installed his successor, Br Malcolm Pate. With over 40 attendees, the lodge room was full, and the festive board was jolly. Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all.

October Lodge Update

Our October lodge welcomed an informative “Explanation of the Third Degree Tracing Board” by WBro Robert E Heap, PProvJGW. He then proceeded with a very informative explanation of the symbolism of the Third Degree Tracing Board, which included the unveiling of a Third Degree floorcloth, which is probably 150 years old. We then heard from WBro Mike Stubbs, Royal Arch …

Royal Lancashire Ladies Night 2023

Royal Lancashire Ladies Night was held at Burnley Masonic Hall on 7th October 2023. The Worship Master, Bro Duncan Walsh was accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Nicola Hillier, who settled into her new role very well indeed. Bro Walsh had expressed a desire to host a rather less formal occasion than is usual for Royal Lancashire events, giving more time …

A Terrific Evening of Masonry

Royal Lancashire Lodge was extremely fortunate to be able to welcome WBro Peter Mason PJGD to the September meeting. WBro Mason is a highly experienced Masonic lecturer, in addition to being a published author with a total command of his subject matter. The Brethren were, therefore, delighted to receive his lecture on “The Hidden Mysteries of the Third Degree Tracing …

Lodge Dog Walk

Members of Royal Lancashire Lodge met on Sunday 20th August for their annual Dog Walk. Arrangements to meet at Foulridge Wharf and walk along the Leeds & Liverpool canal were thwarted when a fisherman caught an unusual catch of a live hand grenade. The entire canal was cordoned off with police tape. An alternative and very pleasant walk around Slipper …

Annual Race Night

Royal Lancashire Lodge 116 continued with their active social events holding their annual race night on Saturday, 22nd July. Everyone had an enjoyable evening with lots of laughter.  The evening raised £131 towards the East Lancashire Festival, which is raising much-needed charitable funds.

The Hidden Mysteries of the Third Degree Tracing Board

Presents, on 28th September 2023 – A Lecture by WBro Peter Mason PJGD. This presentation represents an opportunity to receive definitive answers to so many questions which surround the Third Degree Tracing Board, together with the ceremony itself. Worshipful Brother Mason will explain the origins and symbolism of the items illustrated on the Board, the majority of which are not …

Summer Events 2023

We are pleased to announce our summer events for 2023. Please feel free to bring along your families and non-masonic friends so we can finally enjoy this first summer post-lockdown. Sunday 18th June 2023 – Colne Soap Box Challenge, Albert Road, Colne Whilst not a masonic event, it runs straight past our front door! Come along and enjoy the day …