Royal Lancashire Ladies Night was held at Burnley Masonic Hall on 7th October 2023. The Worship Master, Bro Duncan Walsh was accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Nicola Hillier, who settled into her new role very well indeed.
Bro Walsh had expressed a desire to host a rather less formal occasion than is usual for Royal Lancashire events, giving more time for the guests to enjoy each other’s company whilst toasts were kept to an absolute minimum.
Nicola regaled the assembly with an excellent “Ladies Speech” at the appropriate part of the proceedings in response to the toast to her health, proposed very eloquently by the stand-in Junior Warden, WBro John Chatburn. WBro Steve Rothwell kindly substituted, at very short notice, for the Senior Warden, who is sadly unwell.
Catering was, once again, in the hands of Mr. Michael Coady and his team, who provided and served a superb five-course meal with all the accompaniments. WBro Ian Salthouse played a super selection of music, and it can truly be said that “A Good Time was had by All”.