The Royal Arch

Cana Chapter No. 116 meets in the Colne Building:
Cana Chapter No.116 is one of the oldest Chapters in the English Constitution, having been officially warranted since 1760, although it has practised continuously since the 1730’s. The ritual displays many features unique to this Chapter and the recent discovery of the Chapter’s Tracing Board, which is of considerable antiquity, has caused a major alteration to the established history of these items. Cana Chapter, or the Chapter of the First Miracle, is a friendly and thriving organisation, drawing its Companions from far and wide. It has much to offer a potential Exaltee, or a joining member, both from an historic point of view and as a great example of Royal Arch Masonry.
What do the members say?
“The best, most enjoyable Masonic meeting that I regularly experience”.
“The pinnacle of Freemasonry in Lancashire”.
“Special Chapter, with special friends and a unique ritual and history”.
“Cana is a happy and well-run Chapter. Every meeting is enjoyable,
especially the social board”.
“History, now 250 years old, and tradition in that it’s ritual and
ceremonies have retained a good deal of their original format, as well
as being relevant in the present”.
“I found a group of people who epitomised all that is good about
Freemasonry, it was a revelation for me”.
“Even though I came from across the hill in Yorkshire, I was instantly
accepted as a friend and Companion”.