Royal Lancashire Lodge will meet on the 2nd March 2023, when the business will be to receive a presentation, to be delivered by WBro Christopher Powell.
The events of 1723 were a pivotal moment in the formation of English Freemasonry and the Lodge is indeed fortunate that WBro Powell has agreed to present this lecture to commemorate this important anniversary.
Christopher Powell is well known to East Lancashire Freemasons. He was plenary lecturer for ten years at the ‘Let’s Talk Freemasonry’ conference at Salford and in 2019 he addressed the East Lancashire Provincial Grand Lodge at Blackburn. He was educated at the universities of Sheffield and Cambridge (Emmanuel College) and is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. He taught at the University of Cambridge and at the Royal Welsh Conservatoire in Cardiff where he was Head of Academic Studies. He is a Past Master of Royal Brunswick Lodge No.296 in Sheffield and of Quatuor Coronati Lodge No.2076 the Premier Lodge of Masonic Research.
Please book your place with WBro Raymond Pickles, Lodge Secretary.