Worshipful Master, Bro Steven Burles, together with Mrs. Sharon Burles and members of his family welcomed eighty guests to the Fence Gate Hotel on 5th. October. The festivities started promptly and an excellent meal was served quickly and efficiently. Indeed, the staff were on hand to ensure that every aspect of the occasion was managed to our entire satisfaction.
A full Royal Lancashire toast list was delivered, after which greetings were conveyed from absent Brethren. The Junior Warden then gave a very well-crafted speech which emphasised the support which the ladies give to our Freemasonry. Mrs. Sharon Burles drew a great deal of approval from all present with her delightful response, thanking the Lodge officers for their assistance in organising the evening and all present for their company.
Throughout the evening, the “Audio Test Pilots”, a duo, played the background music and the entertainment to an extremely high standard, with the content and volume perfectly pitched for both the venue and the audience. Every facet of the event came together to provide a happy, successful occasion which will be remembered for many years to come.